I WAS BORN IN ST. PAUL, MN in June of 1979 and adopted by my parents in July of 1979.  The first seven years of my life were spent growing up in Rochester, MN until my father was transferred to Jacksonville, FL in 1987.  I attended Beaches Chapel Church Elementary School through 4th Grade and then was switched to the public school system where I attended PV-PV, Landrum, and graduated in 1998 from Allen D. Nease High School in St. Augustine, FL.  I did some writing during these younger years but was more focused on pencil on paper drawing at this time of my life—producing some of my first pieces of artwork. 

As I had my first daughter in 1997 (Racheal Shorey) I went straight into ITT Technical Institute in Orange Park, FL for Electronics Engineering.  After a year in the program I dropped out and worked full-time at Adtek Security, Inc. with Tony Mathews in Jacksonville, FL.  After having two more children (William Huber and Rebecca Huber) and after separating from my first wife I attended Florida Community College at Jacksonville (FSCJ) with the intention of going into the Radiology Technologist program.  With my first class being English Composition I the urge to write began to grow and I started working some poetry and continued to work on some artwork

Around 2002-3 I shifted my major to nursing and simultaneously took my first Creative Writing course at FSCJ.  To assist my studying in nursing I wrote several short stories based on the topics I was learning in the nursing program—creating several stories with weird twists as a result of my psychology rotation.  This is also when I first started to draw Celtic knots.  This explosion of writing and art came during a dark part of my life: I was going through my first divorce and battling several internal issues which would rage on for several more years and by the grace of God am I still here doing the work he created me to do.

I pressed on through nursing school and graduated in 2006 with my Associate of Science, Nursing and passed my boards becoming a registered nurse.  I married Deborah and started a deeper focus on my writing with a marked effort on completing my first novel The Corpse-worm Project, which was never actually completed despite using it in my Creative Writing class at Florida Community College at Jacksonville.  At this time I also started The Sojourners Maze: The Epic of Telfius a 35,000 word long story written in rhyming couplets.  This long poetic form inspired me to explore other forms of poetry: terzanelle, sonnets, palindromes, limericks, haiku, sestina, and others.

I practiced as a registered nurse in the Emergency Room at Flagler Hospital in St. Augustine, FL and then as a Case Coordinator for catastrophically injured workers with MSC and during this time I let my writing slow to a near stop.  After a year and a half of working as a nurse I took time off and focused entirely on writing.  God used this time to work deeply on me, dealing with several strong-rooted issues and fixed my ailing marriage.  Out of that shadow I found my solid footing in God and wrote five complete novels in 15 months.  There is nothing I could have done to complete this work short of the divine grace of God who stood by my side and carried me through my darkest hours with perfect redemption. 


The first novels I wrote are mostly fantasy based and all have an undertone theme of God and forgiveness woven throughout with that theme being most pronounced in The Prince and Princess's of Cornucopia, my middle-grade fantasy novel for my three children.  The other novels (The Archangel Cathedral, Element One, Alex(is):The Rise of Destiny, and The Rabenstein Affair) focus on vampires or other mythical creatures and are fast-paced and strongly plot driven works which force the pages to turn yet still hold the subtle fragility of humanity and the underlying themes of the divine and redemption.   Despite the explosion of novel writing I  have continued to work on poetry and developing my artistic talents. 


Since writing those first five novels I have started the arduous road to publishing.  With Deborah at my side, God directing me, my parents unending support, my friends, and several others I have pressed onward and began to write additional novels and works. 


Currently I live in Jacksonville, FL and I am working on several projects including Shade of Willow: Dandorstien, a compiled collection of my poetry titled Stained Glass, a non-fiction work titled To Rise, To Fall, To Rise Again, several articles, and other projects. 


Though I am focused on writing and on my artwork I have returned to college and attend Florida State College at Jacksonville to work on an Associate of Science in Paralegal Studies and a Bachelor of Science in Supervision and Management.  I have a desire to attend Flagler College in St. Augustine for my Master Degree of Fine Arts (MFA) with a focus on writing.


If you have any specific questions please feel free to ask me via my email at DAhuber@dahuber.com.  I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy the rest of the website and my works!


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