As an author I have enjoyed writing fantasy fiction in a variety of sub-categories with a little dabbling in the horror arena with The Rabenstien Affair which is my first ghost story and soft horror novel. Each novel has its own world and unique concept although I am working on several sequels at this time as well extending the series for The Archangel Cathedral, Element One, Alex(is): The Rise of Destiny, and Shade of Willow: Dandorstien. Some themes are evident in several of the novels in different ways. The theme of forgiveness is seen in The Archangel Cathedral, Element One, and Alex(is): The Rise of Destiny where the main character has intentionally harmed a woman and seeks to mend the situation over the years. All of the novels have an undertone of a Christian theme though rarely is it a blunt presentation. When I was asked what novel was my absolute favorite I had to say that it was Alex(is): The Rise of Destiny though I love all of my novels and enjoyed written all of them. However, the huge variety and fantastic fiction of the Alex(is) novel captivated me and still inspires me. Maybe that is the driving force behind the planned sequel? Take some time and read the chapters and I am sure you will find a favorite too. I am constantly working on adding more novel chapters online so check back from time-to-time or just bookmark the this page. And you can email me at any time with questions or comments. Below is a list of completed novels and novels in-progress.
Completed Novels
In-progress Novels
Planned Novels: