When the tickers tick away and then gone,

The move must then be decided at last—

Game paused, held in check ne’er withdrawn.

Has every piece, each pawn and king been cast?

Ended tonight, as this small check is sure,

The apt king defeated by thine own hand!

King of white stay your field secure,

And thus to fight across the checkered land.

The battle pieces set up on each side,

Pawn of black marble see your enemy!

Both sides sit waiting with the master’s pride,

Go on, plan each move with old alchemy.

Back to the line each and all go, again—

Into formation, rows of black and white.

The kin of wisdom oft found so foreign,

Same kin to that of lucks ancient device—

Box us all now as we battle yet another night.



© 2010 D.A. huber  All Rights Reserved