One foot planted firmly in the sand, One eye watches and searches the land. One hand holds the spear so tight, One mouth to warn of evil in the night. One ear to hear the foot of the ranger, One nose to smell the stench of danger.
One shield to protect when in the night, One armor of steel to protect in the fight. One sword to splice the vile in twain, One dagger to pierce the flesh for pain. One bow to pull as the enemy ran, One arrow to strike the heart of a man.
One step to take to defend the realm, One block of the arrow, as it misses the helm. One cry of the voice to sound the alarm, One swing of the sword to expertly disarm, One raise of a banner to inspire the men, One shout of victory to join with kin.
One duty to watch the whole of the land, One purpose to protect the people at hand. One oath to keep to never falter or bend, One promise to serve till the very end. One desire to do only the best, One fear that he is only a peasant as the rest.
One life to pass to gain the wisdom, One heart to fill with the love for the kingdom. One smile to use to calm the wild, One dream to find to inspire the child. One breath to breath to clear the head, One death to die before he is dead.