I have found that I love my sandals,
The leather beneath my foot and feet-
And so I tread towards your door.

It has been to long since we talked,
Since we passed the time in poem-
Or discussed work or loves sweet chore.

We can sit 'neath the shade of oaks,
Beside the roses of silent repose-
And read each other our life's story.

We can watch as nature beds itself,
As the moon conquers the sky at last-
And the stars reign in all glory!

For all our triumphs and failures,
Define what we are and what we become-
And tonight I call upon you again.

To see if we can stop and speak here,
To see if we can again talk deeply-
To discover who we are; and remain.

I discard my sandals to stand naked,
Toes dug within the carpet of grass-
Hands held outward, embracing the sky.

Waiting in this place for you to come,
For your visit and conversation-
So together we smile, laugh, and cry.

I stamp my letters upon this page,
And crumple the paper to the winds-
And shuffle off to the distant.

To wander in sandals or naked feet,
So trudging 'neath the oaks of worlds-
To find you again-our love existent.



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